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Maximising Returns from Computer Hardware Maintenance

Companies prefer to outsource computer hardware maintenance and find that though they spend a lot of money, they face quality issues. Many organisations complain of poor service from the IT supplier. Some of the reasons are that the in-house IT team members either do not have the expertise and/or the time to handle the issues related to computer maintenance problems.

There is a crucial factor to consider before engaging an IT supplier to provide computer hardware maintenance services.  Some organisations engage hardware support service providers who are experts in servicing a particular brand/brands of IT assets owned by the company. For instance, an IT supplier dealing with Dell products will offer services like ‘Dell server support’ and ‘Dell hardware support’. Therefore, it is a good idea to engage these suppliers, if you are using Dell products. The advantage of engaging these suppliers is specialists’ expertise.

There are several other benefits of working with a service provider who services the specific brand/brands of IT assets used in your organisation. They can help in speedy execution of projects. Similarly, they can help in internal process improvements and build best practices. Their experience in dealing with the particular brand/brands of IT assets will be of great help. They can also offer additional services like break-fix and out-of-hours support.

Other advantages include working across different hardware platforms. SLA compliance rates have been recorded at 95-100% in many cases. Several business cases have proved this. Similarly, it is possible to save a lot of money by engaging this category of IT suppliers. They can also train the in-house team to perform hardware maintenance activities in a very short span of time.